In the shadow of my Lord,
I know my life is blessed.
God sees each tear and feels each pain.
He seeks me out and restores my soul.
~ ~ ~

The Encourager's mission statement:
To inspire and encourage spiritual joy.

Saturday, July 11, 2015


It's been 6 months without a computer, but I have one once again and it's calling to me to write.

Also I have spent nearly 3 months "sitting on the shelf" due to illness. Because my energy level was soooo-oo low, I had difficulty focusing. However, boredom prompted me to do something.

Thus in my downtime, I alphabetized my writing, cleaned out my 4 drawer filing cabinet, combined my many journals of quotes into just 3, my diary entries into another journal, and wrote memories in my grandchildren's Gramma books.

I used RAFT: Read  Act   File  Toss. 

Now I am ready to return to writing A Forgetful People: a Study of Remembrance [See]

Over the weeks ahead, I will be sharing from my journals... quotations to encourage your heart and soul.

~ ~ ~

For today:

"A child is like a white piece of paper on which every passerby writes a little."
~ Chinese Proverb

"I am part of every place I have been...
I am part of all the people I have known...
I am still every age that I have been..."

I don't set out to be disobedient; usually I just don't listen.

Scars remind me of where I've been...not where I'm going.

Trouble never leaves me where it found me; it always causes change. I can be bitter or I can be better.

Opportunity doesn't just come along-it is there all the time... I just have to see it.

Dwelling on the closed doors may mean missing the open ones.

"We spend most of our time on our facade-the part of us that's visible-not on our character."
~ George MacDonald

"Continuity gives us roots
Change gives us branches
Letting us stretch and grow
And reach new heights."

~ Pauline R. Kezer

Do you try to turn over a new leaf only to find the old ones blowing back faster than you can rake them away?

Selah... think on these...
