In the shadow of my Lord,
I know my life is blessed.
God sees each tear and feels each pain.
He seeks me out and restores my soul.
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The Encourager's mission statement:
To inspire and encourage spiritual joy.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Thoughts from Joe Mazzella


  By: Joseph J. Mazzella

     It was a hot and humid day in July.  I was driving to the local grocery store because the heat

had made my bananas go from yellow to brown overnight.  My air conditioner in my car was on

high, but it still wasn’t cooling me down.  Suddenly, the car in front of me signaled that it was

pulling off.  I pressed on the brakes and slowed down.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw several

teenagers standing in the sweltering, Summer sun.  They weren’t playing, goofing off, or hanging

around though.  They weren’t drinking, smoking, gossiping, or looking at their cell phones.  They

were working on a porch.

     I recognized them immediately as one of the church work camps.  For more years than I can

remember these young men and women have volunteered their Spring and Summer vacations to

come here and help repair the homes of poor people.  I smiled when I saw them there sweating,

straining, and working hard to do some good in this world.  While the news headlines were so

full of murder, hate, and violence, these young people were doing their best to share some love

and light with others.  In my heart and mind I heard the words once again: “I was hungry and you

gave me food...I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing,

I was sick and you took care of me.”

     There is so much good we can do in this life.  There are so many people we can help.  There

is so much love we can share.  And as long as there is life, there is more to do.  Whether it is

repairing a house, sharing a smile, offering a hug, adopting a dog, visiting the sick, giving to

charity, praying for others, sharing a kind word, or doing any act of goodness, every single thing

we do is precious in the eyes of Heaven.

     God loves us all so much and His greatest wish is for us to love each other as well.  Choose to

love then.  Chose to love and you will have joy.  Choose to love and you will share joy.  Choose

to love and you will help others and make this world a better place.  There is no greater way to live

 and there is always more to do.  May God bless and guide you always.