In the shadow of my Lord,
I know my life is blessed.
God sees each tear and feels each pain.
He seeks me out and restores my soul.
~ ~ ~

The Encourager's mission statement:
To inspire and encourage spiritual joy.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Cinderella Syndrome

 During this holiday season, the Cinderella Syndrome causes disappointment and heartaches. Many believe this year they'll have a Currier & Ives/Hallmark Christmas. 

The family will gather and all get along. There will be enough money to buy all the gifts we desire. The cookies will get baked, and gifts wrapped before Christmas Eve. The house will sparkle ~ clean and Christmas-y. No one will get sick or hurt.

My favorite cartoon character, Maxine says: 

We set our expectations based on what others do, TV movies & commercials, etc. Thus we set ourselves up for failure. Uncle Joe will still drink too much. The kids will get tired and start fighting. The stuffing will end up on the floor while the dog takes off with a turkey leg. You'll forget the batteries or that simple to put together project will take all night. Or whatever ruins your Christmas each year.

This year change one thing, next year another, create new traditions that work. Your niece never likes anything you buy her? Stop searching for that "right present" and give her a gift card or cross her off your list. Instead of doing all the cooking, make it a potluck or forgo the big feast and have deli trays with a variety of dips and breads.

Draw names so your gift list is do-able. Simplify!  

Life changes. Finances vary. The children grow up and leave home. A loved one dies and is missed. You grow older and cannot do all that you used to.

Focus on the meaning of Christmas versus society's expectations.

When the clock strikes 12 midnight, Cinderella returns to her raggedy clothes and life. Unlike her, our Prince Charming rarely shows up to fix our lives.

I encourage you to do less and enjoy it more this holiday season. It has worked for me. The Christmas season is relaxing and fun because I determined to make changes and did. It's healthier, too- physically and mentally. 

Selah ~ think on this


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