In the shadow of my Lord,
I know my life is blessed.
God sees each tear and feels each pain.
He seeks me out and restores my soul.
~ ~ ~

The Encourager's mission statement:
To inspire and encourage spiritual joy.

Sunday, August 18, 2019


Due to declining health issues, I am unable to maintain this blog.

Should my energy level improve, I'll be back. But...

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Tragedies Open the Door to Prayer Power & Kindness

As I watched C-Span last evening, I wished I'd counted the number of times the word "prayer" was used during a press conference. Five government officials spoke; each asking the nation to come together through prayer in support of those involved in our countries latest tragedies: hurricanes and the Las Vegas shootings.

Sounds a bit like our Founding Fathers, doesn't it.

Today Joseph J. Mazzella shared the following in his weekly email.

A Moment of Clarity

It was a long drive to the nursing home where my Grandmother was living, but at least twice a

month I got into the car with my small children to make the trip to see her.  We had already lost

my Mom to cancer and I wanted them to be able to remember Nana.  I wanted to be able to

remember her as well, especially because she was beginning to forget me.

 Nana had Alzheimer’s disease.  It was slowly starting to eat away at her memories. 

Sometimes she recognized us when we visited and sometimes she didn’t.  Most of the time she

spent her days in bed, not wanting to be put in her wheelchair anymore to visit the living room or

dining room.

 On one visit we did coax her out of her room and wheeled her around to visit the nurses and

go out into the garden.  After I put her back to bed and kissed her good-bye, I started to walk my

kids back to the car when suddenly a tiny hand grabbed mine.  “James!”, a happy voice said.  I

turned and saw a smiling, wrinkled face with snow-white hair.  Like my Nana she had

Alzheimer’s disease but was still able to walk and get around well.  She had mistaken me for her

son before.  A nurse told me that he had died years ago.  I held her hands and let her joyfully go

on.  Even though her eyes didn’t know who I was, I could see the sparkle in them when she

spoke to her son through me.

 On the visits that followed I always made time to visit her as well as my Nana.  I always got

a smile and sometimes even a hug from her.  The nurses told me that she was always calmer and

happier after seeing her “Son”.

Then one day I noticed that she wasn’t there.  I spoke to the nurses and they sadly told me

that she had died a few days before from a stroke.  I put my head down and went quietly into my

Nana’s room. 
Her loss didn’t really hit me until I had gotten the kids back home.  When it did I decided to

go for a walk in the woods.  I looked at the sky, wiped my wet eyes, and asked God to wrap her

in His loving arms for all eternity.  Then in a moment of clarity, I realized something: for a while

I really had been her son.  In this world, we are all family.  In this world, we are all connected by

invisible strings of love.  Even now many years later I thank God for letting me be there for her

in the last days of her life.

 Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote: “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know

how soon it will be too late.”  Never pass up a moment to share your kindness and joy.  Never

pass up a second to share your love.  Take every opportunity to give your goodness to others and

to God.  Live as if everyone in the world is your family.  Because they are!

~ ~ ~ 

I responded:

Joe, As a nurse, I often became the daughter and felt it was a privilege to stand in for someone my patients 

cared about.

But once, a long time ago, it was a total surprise. I was working through an agency and had never been there 

before. One thin, gray and white-haired woman was near death so I checked on her as often as I could. Later 

in the evening, I took some medication to her as she was very restless and possibly in pain.

She grabbed my hand and thanked me for coming as she pulled me down towards her. Then went on talking 

to whoever she thought I was. As I sat beside her, I sensed there had been years of discord she was 

apologizing for although her speech was disjointed and confusing. When she quieted I forgave her, hugged 

and held her. I felt her relax.

I had so much to do but I stayed. Within a few minutes, she died peacefully in my arms. I, too, asked God to 

enfold her with His love. 

I knew nothing about her except her name. But I do know that all who come before us help to prepare the 

way for us. I believe I was a conduit for the Lord to prepare her to meet Him. What a blessing!

I pray that the hurting people of today-in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, Las Vegas and in our own 

neighborhoods- will feel  God's presence through the goodness of others and the prayers 

of many. 


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Role Changing

But I must remind you to...

This parent is changing roles. 
In the midst of life, I have grown old and frail. 
I now have to tell myself important things 
just to keep going:

But ...

Then I remind myself I am doing the best I can with what I have at this moment.

And it's time for me to have an encourager, as I walk through my final journey.


Monday, April 3, 2017

I Quote...

others to better express myself.

Quotations that made me pause to ponder them:

The gift you give to another
Need not be an expensive thing
As long as you've tucked some love inside
Before you tie the string.

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
                                                             ~ Dr. Seuss

One day someone is going to hug you so tight
that all of your broken pieces will stick back together.

I am glad that friendship doesn't come with price tags. For if it did, I could never afford you. 

How cool is it that the same God that created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you too.
                                                   ~ Darlene Schacht @

Happy Spring!

Saturday, February 25, 2017


     You have given me another day to walk with You. 
     As it was from the beginning, I am Yours. My body and mind… 
     everything I am is Yours. Energize me for today’s purpose. 
     Give me awareness of Your presence and the wonders surrounding me.
     I pray, in Your Son's name, that all I do and think will be pleasing to You.  

     Yesterday, I reminded myself that 
 and wrote the above to begin each day. For me, it is a reality that I might not wake up. So I am grateful and feel blessed for each additional day I receive. 

As I chose the little bird illustration above, it reminded me of one of those teaching moments I shared with my first grandchild when he was a pre-schooler. 

A tiny bird lay underneath the window, as we began our walk. It had not seen the glass as it flew. Its tiny neck broke upon impact.I explained the bird was dead. Meaning it could no longer fly or sing because it was not breathing.  

Later as we walked, he pointed happily toward the sky saying, "Gramma, they're breathing!" Indeed, the flock of geese flying overhead were honking and breathing. They were alive!

Living with chronic illnesses makes me wonder if there is any purpose for me to fulfill. Thanks to oxygen 24/7 I am breathing… 

I am alive!

I am blogging… sharing my thoughts to encourage you, my reader. I ask that you take a deep breath and do something to encourage someone today. Like maybe leave a comment for me!   





Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Heart Day, a Week Later

I am still feeling special. 

On Valentine's Day, I received flowers, candy and cards. The candy is long gone, but the cards and flowers remain on my coffee table to enjoy. As nice as each gift was, it was a neighbor that touched my heart when she said::

"I just want you to know I'm glad you're here."

As a person with chronic illnesses, it fits my daily prayer:

 [the chance to make a new beginning]

At bedtime, I say:

Note: I find that using quotations help me to express myself. So both are posted on my bedroom's closet door.

How did someone make you feel special lately?

Selah --


Saturday, February 4, 2017

What Makes You Happy?

As I put a roast in the oven today, I thought of my Brandi.

Brandi was placed in my bathrobe pocket by my husband many years ago. "Shut your eyes," he'd said. A few moments after he removed his hand, I felt something wiggling. John's eyes twinkled as I gently pulled out aTblond puppy a little bigger than my hand. She looked me over then went to sleep on my lap.

As she grew, she turned into the color of fine Brandy. She was a mutt, yet had signs of beagle in her face. Brandi was an instant source of fun and unconditional love. Best of all she favored ME!

In the beginning, we were worried because she wouldn't eat, but come morning her food dish was empty. That was her lifelong pattern. She waited until she was sure she'd get no people food. After we went to bed, she'd settle for her own. She grew healthy and strong.

So, you say, what has that to do with a roast? Brandi's favorite people food was cooked carrots. My least favorite vegetable was... yep, cooked carrots. But I always added them to a roast for flavor. As a roast cooked, Brandi was a happy dog with a tail wagging in delight. She'd go to the stove, sniff and run circles around my feet.

At dinner, I would break the rule and sneak her my carrots. I had to reward her happy dances, right?

Don't you wish life was that simple?

Brandi left me years ago with many fond memories:

  • how she protected my son, 
  • how she would never let the meter reader in, 
  • how good a mother she was to her 5 puppies, 
  • how she dragged the toilet paper throughout the house without tearing it- because we'd left her home alone, 
  • how she loved going to the bank to get People Crackers from the teller, and, of course, 
  • how she loved carrots.

Every time I fix a roast, I think of her and the joy she added to my life. I remember to add those carrots, even if I don't eat them because it is the simple things that flavor our lives.

Then I take the time to remember my favorite things.

Selah ,
