In the shadow of my Lord,
I know my life is blessed.
God sees each tear and feels each pain.
He seeks me out and restores my soul.
~ ~ ~

The Encourager's mission statement:
To inspire and encourage spiritual joy.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

What Makes You Happy?

As I put a roast in the oven today, I thought of my Brandi.

Brandi was placed in my bathrobe pocket by my husband many years ago. "Shut your eyes," he'd said. A few moments after he removed his hand, I felt something wiggling. John's eyes twinkled as I gently pulled out aTblond puppy a little bigger than my hand. She looked me over then went to sleep on my lap.

As she grew, she turned into the color of fine Brandy. She was a mutt, yet had signs of beagle in her face. Brandi was an instant source of fun and unconditional love. Best of all she favored ME!

In the beginning, we were worried because she wouldn't eat, but come morning her food dish was empty. That was her lifelong pattern. She waited until she was sure she'd get no people food. After we went to bed, she'd settle for her own. She grew healthy and strong.

So, you say, what has that to do with a roast? Brandi's favorite people food was cooked carrots. My least favorite vegetable was... yep, cooked carrots. But I always added them to a roast for flavor. As a roast cooked, Brandi was a happy dog with a tail wagging in delight. She'd go to the stove, sniff and run circles around my feet.

At dinner, I would break the rule and sneak her my carrots. I had to reward her happy dances, right?

Don't you wish life was that simple?

Brandi left me years ago with many fond memories:

  • how she protected my son, 
  • how she would never let the meter reader in, 
  • how good a mother she was to her 5 puppies, 
  • how she dragged the toilet paper throughout the house without tearing it- because we'd left her home alone, 
  • how she loved going to the bank to get People Crackers from the teller, and, of course, 
  • how she loved carrots.

Every time I fix a roast, I think of her and the joy she added to my life. I remember to add those carrots, even if I don't eat them because it is the simple things that flavor our lives.

Then I take the time to remember my favorite things.

Selah ,


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