In the shadow of my Lord,
I know my life is blessed.
God sees each tear and feels each pain.
He seeks me out and restores my soul.
~ ~ ~

The Encourager's mission statement:
To inspire and encourage spiritual joy.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Prayer, Recipe & Blessings for YOU

Lord, Please pour out a blessing on the ones who honor You
As they share their gifts and talents by the thoughtful things they do.
                                                                                                            ~ Emily Matthews

Recipe for Happiness

Combine overwhelming amounts of love & cheerfulness in a bowl.
Add a LARGE pinch of acceptance & a dash of forgiveness.
Stir in equal parts of HUGS & laughter
Pour your heart into it & mix until all bumps have been smoothed out.
Sprinkle with faith & hope accordingly.
Simmer for the rest of your life. 
Best when served with family & friends.
From a MEnglebert card


B less my readers
            L ord, and comfort them.
                     E ncourage them with Your love.
                                 S trengthen, provide, and protect them.
                                        S hower them with peace, hope and Your joy.

Thinking of you today,  Connie

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